Portsmouth, Grosport and Portsea England. This is where many of our ancestors lived. James Burgon was born in Portsea. I was surprised. I pictured a fishing port or something.
This is the home of the English Navy. Currently there are battleships docked everywhere. Some are historic but most are actively being used. Two of the ships are used for training new Naval Personel.
Back when James Burgon lived here the Navy was building and testing torpedoes.
Currently, the Navy has been reduced substantially. The area began to get run down. The City Council bought much of the harbor area and sold to a developer.
Now it is a huge tourist destination. There are hundreds of Outlet Stores, resturants, pubs, expensive condos and the Spinnaker.
Mom and I spent the day there. We went up in the Spinnaker and could see Portsea. It is a very small area right on the water's edge. We also took the Harbor and Historic Ship Tour.
It was a very nice day and a good way to transistion from Switzerland. And it gave us just a little more insight into Grandma and Grandpa Burgon (mom's parents). Their parents came from totally different worlds. Then, with one generation born in America, the two worlds combine. Grandma was still more Swiss and Grandpa more English.