Our Trip to Visit Family History Sites and to Look for Distant Cousins

For the past 2o years, Mom and I have said, "Someday, let's go to Switzerland to see where our ancestors were born." Well, Someday --- is here!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dear Relatives - follow our trip, click on dates at left

The Lord now asks much more of us than He did 10 years ago.
Instead of limiting our focus to 4 generations and direct lines, He asks us to gather ALL RECORDS for ALL GENERATIONS and for ALL COLATERAL LINES. That means we are to gather and do the work for every descendant of the oldest record we have found in each line.
We can no longer say, "Our family genealogy is all done!" We have not even begun!

I think we should put together a Family Extraction Committee. I fear, in my enthusiasm, I might step on toes or duplicate efforts. Is anyone interested? If you are working on the Rosa Jeanetta Hurler Burgon line yourself, please note what I am doing and advise me on what you are doing. If you are using new.familysearch.org program you can see it there also.

Last spring I hired a professional researcher residing in Switzerland to do some work on our Hurler Line. And I hired the workers at the Civil Records Office in Winterthur to provide a Certicate of Family on the siblings of Hartman Meyer (Meier) line. I also made contact with relatives on the Zellweger and Zollinger lines, neither of which are members but they do family history as a hobby. I don't know how many new names I got, but I am sure it is over 300.

Aunt Beth, Trina (Neal's daughter), Laura (Karen's daughter) and EmmaLeigh (my daughter) have all offered to help enter the names in new.familysearch.org. I am providing packettes for them so they can clean up duplicates in these lines (using Craig Paxman's PAF file as a master) and enter or link the new names I gathered. And Karen is organizing family temple trips. If you need names to do, call her. If you want to help, please email me. We have much to do.
If you are personally doing extraction over the internet, please keep me posted on your work so we don't duplicate.
My mother is collecting donations towards additional research on colateral lines and additional Certificates of Family - where appropriate. If you don't have time for genealogy but want to contribute funds for ongoing research, contact Larae at 801 561 7384.
By the way - this is a BLAST!

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